Michele Maurin: ‘Fleur De Henne’

Dates & times

Thu 26 June — Sun 3 August 2008


An exhibition by the leading French photographer Michèle Maurin on the theme of the henna flower which, more than all the other elements of oriental beauty, is an instrument of seduction. Her black and white photography is reinterpreted in the development process by using gold, selenium and other metals to penetrate the silver emulsion and bring out subtle nuances and a special light. The images breathe sensuality. This exhibition is being held as part of the Australian National Photography Festival 2008.

Curated by Nancy Sever

Image: Entr�e de Ryad, (from the Fleur de Henn� series) photograph, 40 x 30cm.


Updated:  16 February 2013/ Responsible Officer:  DHG Director/ Page Contact:  Drill Hall Gallery